Purchase by mail for $49.95 or save with Option 1.
Download the course as an mp3 audio file and pdf document and SAVE $30.00!. You can be listening
to the course within minutes!
* |
Price reduced to $19.95 as a marketing test. This is a limited time offer and may be withdrawn at any time. |
A bound library edition of the Student Manual and the audio portion of the
course can be mailed to you.
Charge will appear on your credit card statement as Enders Enterprises, LLC. |
If you would rather pay over the phone, please fill out this form and we will call you as soon as possible to
take your order and credit card information over the phone.
OPTION #4: |
To purchase the course by check or money order, complete the form below and mail with your check or money order
---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Jim Bacon, A Stickshift Specialist
7981 Patricia Court
Franklin, WI 53132
Name: ______________________________________ |
Address: ____________________________________ |
City: ______________State:______Zip Code:________ |
Datetime Phone #: ( )___________________________ |
CD Version
Cassette Version
Regular US Mail
Overnight Mail (U.S. Only) *
OPTION #5: |
Private Lessons with Jim Bacon
(Milwaukee area / Chicago residents or fly me anywhere!)
Call us at our direct line:
(414) 403-3400.
| |